
Museums and Photographs in the Open-Air

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The shot shows a male figure viewing photographs. We see the person from the rear, look over his shoulder, past him, as he passes along the collection of images, and at the same time we look into some of the faces that are visible in the photos and which seem to be looking at us outside of the picture frame rather than at the person in the picture viewing them. We are dealing here with black-and white photographs from the late 1920s, which, among others, were taken by the German anthropologist and racial theorist Egon von Eickstedt between 1926 and 1929.1 A selection of these pictures, created in connection with research into the indigenous population of India listed under the generic term Adivasi and—this should be stressed first—without explicit reference to the problematic race-theory-based history of its origins, was brought back to India in 2012. Accompanied by a team of ethnologists from Germany and England, the photographs were exhibited in Tejgadh, in the state of Gujarat in northwest India, in different locations: in the still young “Museum of Voice” of the Adivasi Academy, in individual private houses in the neighbouring villages and in a consecrated place in the open air, reserved for rituals. This latter-mentioned setting has been recorded in the above-mentioned photo. Mounted on brown card, the photographs hang in long lines, three rows above one another on a movable wattle wall, which flanks the place of encounter in the outside space. A presentational

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