
Music Is The Product Of Our Evolution

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I studied the hypothesis that music is the product of our evolution and that most mammals and cultures have used music to continue to evolve and reform. Most scientific articles agree that music has evolved throughout thousands of years. Even the first Homo sapiens used music as a mode of communication. But in a biological standpoint, music can be used as a way to express mate selection, as a way of motivation and pleasure, development and learning, and social communication. The big question that might be asked here is that why is music so loved and powerful in such a way that can allow us to feel certain emotions, such as love or anger? One scientific study can answer that. “Scientists who study how music is processed in the brain …show more content…

El). ” It was determined that cells may shift as a response when a certain tone is determined as important. This is noted as Training Frequency, where cells will shift and expand in response to a certain tone. This perception and response to music has been said to have started in infancy. Even before babies have acquired language, they begin to react to music. This is why parents and other people communicate with infants in a musical manner by using wide ranges of pitch and melodies. This “Musical learning ability” in infants improves cognitive ability and communication that can help later on in a lifetime of a human. Overall these studies reveal that music has a biological basis more than anything. It has been revealed that the brain specifically has a functional organization for music such that certain regions may light up and respond to certain frequencies. Some other studies may be opposed to this theory. Music may be seen in other species. For instance, “learning song in birds, whales, and other species might represent convergence to music in humans whereas determining by apes might represent potential homology.” (Snowden et al.) Basically, it is studied that music has emerged through an evolutionary standpoint between other species. For example, one species, the grey mouse lemur, produces loud, noisy, and plosive grunts when startled, which notifies

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