
Mustafa Mond And Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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David Henry Thoreau popularized the motto “The government is best which governs the least” in his work “Civil Disobedience”, and Aldous Huxley would greatly agree with the phrase. In Huxley’s novel, Brave New World, he creates a world dominated by the tyrannical leader Mustafa Mond. Mond’s way of ruling is very similar to that of Henry Ford, and Huxley draws attention to parallels between Ford and Mond throughout the book. He mocks their style of leadership, which values science over nature, and demonstrates the detrimental effects of it. In Aldous Huxley’s work, Brave New World, he utilizes the character Mustafa Mond to reflect the life of Henry Ford in order to warn readers of the negative effects of an overbearing leader. Mustafa Mond …show more content…

“The individual, having become means rather than an end, accepts his role of cog in the immense machine without, giving a a passing to thought to the effect on his personality” (Siegfried 351). Siegfried analyzes how mass production has harmful effects on humans and their individuality, because they see every day as monotonous and dull rather that exciting and adventurous. Mustafa Mond and Henry Ford both valued mass production in their controlling communities, and the consequences of mass production prove to have disastrous outcomes. Huxley heavily focuses on the somber effects on mass production in order to forewarn readers to not take part in it, as it only had negative outcomes. Along with mass production, consumerism plays a central idea in Henry Ford’s era and in Mond’s World State, and Huxley analyzes how overbearing leaders who enforce consumerism create false happiness for the consumers. Similar to Ford’s philosophies, Mustafa Mond focuses on controlling citizens by regulating their goods. Ford and Mond both strive have as much control as possible in their communities, and they do this by forcing their people to consume certain products. Mond boldly makes the decision to “to abolish the love of nature, but not the tendency to consume transport” (Huxley 26). With this being said, Mond proves how much he wants to control every aspect of his civilians’ lives. The “tendency to consume transport” overrides nature and everything beautiful and free,

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