
My Appendectomy

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Appendectomy As I laid on the floor crying not being able to move, my mother knew something was seriously wrong with me. Have you ever had a pain that hurt so bad you felt like you could not even move? The pain that I was feeling was from something in my abdomen called the appendix. No one could find out that it was wrong with me, but my mother was very persistent with the doctors that one finally found out that it was my appendix. In 2014 it was a hot friday summer night, I was at my friends house about to go to see some type of scary movie at Spartan 16. But, then I felt this shooting pain to the right side of my abdomen. At first I did not think anything of the pain. I let the pain drag on for a little while at the movies, but then it felt like someone was stabbing me on the right side of my abdomen and I could not take the pain anymore. I called my dad crying so hard that he could tell something was seriously wrong. He knows I am normally a person to have very high pain tolerance. My dad rushed from whatever he was doing to come pick up from spartan 16. He finally got to me and rushed me to the Pelham Hospital ER. We finally made it to the Pelham. It felt like one of the longest car rides ever! We sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes max. They got us into the exam room the nurse and doctor came in asking me questions. The doctor pushed on my stomach where my pain was and I wanted to scream it hurt so bad! The doctor told me, “we are going

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