
My Autobiography For College

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It was about 10:23 in the morning on a cold, January day when I was born at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Ever since I was little I loved bouncing balls and playing with things that made noise. When I got a little bit older my mom signed me up for baseball and basketball. After a couple of years I got good and now I play for the Michigan Rebels which is a baseball club and the Gull Lake Blue Devils Basketball. I also have many hobbies I love to do, and I have a great family.

Ever since I was little I loved playing sports. My mom introduced me to to basketball at a young age. I played GLYBA for a couple of years, and then in fourth grade I joined a travel basketball team, called a the Gull Lake Blue Devils. When I was in second grade I played little league baseball. I played little league for many years, till I was in sixth grade. I tried out for the Michigan Rebels, and I made the team.

I have six people in my family; my mom, dad, my brother sam, my dog Bella, and my brother’s cat Gracie. My mom is a big part of my life. She takes me to most of my sporting events, she also takes me to my friends houses, and she helps me with school work, sometimes. My dad is also a big part of my life. He took care of me when I was sick. For example I had pneumonia for two weeks and he took care of me. My dad also teaches me music. He is …show more content…

I love hanging with my friends. When my friend come over we like to be running around and playing sports. Most of the time we are playing football, baseball, kickball, wiffleball, basketball or lemon. (Lemon is a game where you try to hit your opponent with a tennis ball.) Some of my other hobbies are playing, listening, and dancing to music. I listen to a lot of rap. Some of my favorite rappers are Drake, Eminem, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Flo Rida. When I am not listen to rap I listen to The Police, Led Zeppelin, and the Beatles. One of my other favorite hobbies is playing, walking, running with my dog,

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