It was about 10:23 in the morning on a cold, January day when I was born at Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Ever since I was little I loved bouncing balls and playing with things that made noise. When I got a little bit older my mom signed me up for baseball and basketball. After a couple of years I got good and now I play for the Michigan Rebels which is a baseball club and the Gull Lake Blue Devils Basketball. I also have many hobbies I love to do, and I have a great family.
Ever since I was little I loved playing sports. My mom introduced me to to basketball at a young age. I played GLYBA for a couple of years, and then in fourth grade I joined a travel basketball team, called a the Gull Lake Blue Devils. When I was in second grade I played little league baseball. I played little league for many years, till I was in sixth grade. I tried out for the Michigan Rebels, and I made the team.
I have six people in my family; my mom, dad, my brother sam, my dog Bella, and my brother’s cat Gracie. My mom is a big part of my life. She takes me to most of my sporting events, she also takes me to my friends houses, and she helps me with school work, sometimes. My dad is also a big part of my life. He took care of me when I was sick. For example I had pneumonia for two weeks and he took care of me. My dad also teaches me music. He is
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I love hanging with my friends. When my friend come over we like to be running around and playing sports. Most of the time we are playing football, baseball, kickball, wiffleball, basketball or lemon. (Lemon is a game where you try to hit your opponent with a tennis ball.) Some of my other hobbies are playing, listening, and dancing to music. I listen to a lot of rap. Some of my favorite rappers are Drake, Eminem, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Flo Rida. When I am not listen to rap I listen to The Police, Led Zeppelin, and the Beatles. One of my other favorite hobbies is playing, walking, running with my dog,
I have always played sports. Softball, soccer, and swimming before I started kindergarten, later, basketball and volleyball. My passion is and always has been softball. I love competing and being able to make friendships and memories with my teammates that will last a lifetime.
An all time favorite activities of me to do and to watch is basketball. Basketball is something I relish because it's exciting and really affecting, I started playing when I was in fourth grade. When I became attentive in basketball it was because I was trying out sports that year and I determine I admired it and really, enjoying it. Basketball is something my dad, and my brother plays, too. My brother and I try to practice, and learn from each other when we both have the time to practice.
I was born on September 11of 2004 in Finley Hospital in the morning. I did not cry much and that is a good thing when I was hungry for food I would eat things like those mash potatoes, pudding cups, pancakes, waffles and sometimes I still eat them. I liked to play a lot so when I was little I loved to throw any type of ball like a tennis ball. Then I would break many things.
I am the youngest of two daughters by two years, and live with my mom and dad. In my family, I’m the one who is the peacemaker. My family has taught me the importance of standing up for myself and others, and to be grateful for what I have. Both of my parents worked hard to give me the life I have now, and have taught me to work hard in life. My dad is a nephrologist, and works hard all day so that I don’t see him often, but when I do, he and I have a great time together. As a result of this, I value the time I spend with my family above almost everything else.
When I was little I loved to play baseball and other sports. Although, my favorite sport of them all was baseball. My dad was a really good baseball player when he was young and he taught me everything I know. We would spend hours outside in the yard playing catch. Dad was my first baseball coach when I was little in Bitty Ball. Each year we would practice really hard so I could become a pitcher. I kept working hard at it and when I was a freshman in high school, I tried out for the baseball team and made varsity. I was one of the toughest pitchers on the team and by my senior year I was almost throwing no hitters each game. My favorite year playing baseball was my junior year. All the
I was born on October 17, 1938 in Montana. Grew up a poor kid in a poor family, I lived with my grandparents and I don't optate to toot my own horn, but I was a pretty tough kid. I genuinely set a school record for the most sit ups and push ups.
I was born in the spring, April 13, 2000 in Selma, Alabama. Selma is a very little boring town, where everyone knows everyone. It offers very little activities to young children. Then one day, I found myself at a place named the Sportsplex. At the Sportplex I watched my brother play baseball and girls play softball. I was very influenced by the sport. I knew it was something I
I come from an athletic family who enjoys playing together. Although I played all these sports, as I entered high school I left some behind and decided to focus mainly on soccer. I have played soccer my whole life and I have nothing but love of the game. I consider myself to be a good team player and a hard worker. Soccer was a big part of my life and made me extremely happy.
I am very active I love to do sports , it could be any sports. I played basketball before &, I also played volleyball. I always try out for allot things. I really love being involved in things because I want allot of things under my name. Basketball is a very easy sport. I learn how to play it in one day. I really love playing
I have been playing since I was at least in Kindergarten. I did a camp with Mr. Donner and that is where I made most of my friends. Almost all of my friends play basketball so that is when we can all get together and have fun at the same time while having a practice. I also played basketball for the CEGCYRA from 1st grade till last year on the 6th grade travel team. Our basketball team was pretty good we only lost to one team and that was El Paso Gridley. Ever since they have been our rivals, we ALWAYS have a great game with them. One time both teams were playing so good that the score was below 10 the whole time! This year we beat El Paso in middle school basketball. Which felt really good.
Ever since i was a little boy, I was into sports. I love to run,exercise,and work out. I have play'd sports for about 10 years but I only have 5 trophies and 6 medals. I have play'd soccer,track,ty kwon do,basket ball,swimming,and cross country. Most of the sports that I play'd in was in middle school. I was one of the most athletic kid in the whole school. Middle school introduced me into ty kwon do,track,and cross county. I was not the fastest person in the group, but I was sure one of the most hard working kid out of the
I love to play field hockey, and race in the soap box derby, reading is also something I like to do. Being outside and enjoying nature is also very calming. I also never turn down an opportunity to share my opinion and/or ask questions. This is who I am and what I like to do. I am an athlete, a sports fanatic, and a racing guru.
I have grown up playing basketball my entire life. When I was only three days old, I was being passed around in the stands at a basketball tournament while my parents coached my older sister. I have lived and breathed basketball for as long as I can remember.
I found my love for athletic activity at a young age. When I was 7 years old, I was enrolled in a YMCA summer program in Michigan. That is where it all started. My summer days were filled with various sport activities. Unfortunately, when I moved to California at the age of 10, I stopped playing sports for at least a year. However, during the rest of elementary school, throughout middle school, and in high school, I played different sports to figure out which one I liked best, which is now, Track & Field.
I am really interested in applying for the HND sports coaching course because since a young age I have always been interested in how the human body works and how to maximize the effects exercise has on your body. I feel going onto the HND would really help enhance my coaching skills and really benefit me, not only in the short term but also in the long term, it would really help me further my coaching experience and to also get me ready and prepared for my career path and goals, both in the short term and the long term. I really enjoy working with and coaching children of all ages and I take great pride when coaching them, especially when I see the children develop throughout my sessions and over the following weeks. I have always had a keen