
My Best Friend

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It's kind of weird how one day you can be so happy that you feel like nothing could ever bring you down, and the next day you feel so depressed that you don't want to come out of your room. That's the way it was for me. One day I was playing basketball and going to youth group, the next I was laying in my room feeling sick. It was all because of one simple sentence that my friend had said to me. That sentence was the hardest thing that I had ever heard in my entire life. It was the words “I have cancer.” I had heard a lot about people having cancer, but I never paid much attention because I didn't think I would ever be closely related to that word. I didn't really understand it at first, how I was feeling. It was some kind of feeling like there was no reason to live. Like everything that had happened in the past didn't even matter now. Only that Maia was going to be okay, and that she would be better soon. Maia was my best friend, but I had always considered her more of a sister. We started being friends at such a young age, I couldn't even remember that far back. She was always there for me, and I was always there for her. It's just the way it was. My parents felt bad, but didn't understand. They wanted me to continue school, but I just couldn't. I tried so hard to act like everything was okay, but the minute anyone mentioned anything, the teacher said to partner up, or I saw people with their friends, I would start worrying, which usually lead to

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