
My College Admissions Essay: My Journey To Student Success

Decent Essays


What were the reasons behind not performing well in your previous academic opportunities and what has changed in your life for you to be successful in the requested program? (Minimum 200 words)

The reasons for not performing well in my previous academic opportunities have been majority based around issues stemming from my own confidence in achieving this goal and juggling a busy schedule. When I first entered Capella I was eager to obtain my degree and start the journey towards life after Ph.D. learning, but self-doubt started to set in my progress placed on hold. It didn’t help that my schedule was grueling and there just weren’t enough days in a week to get everything done. Juggling a full-time job as a school psychologist, dance school teacher, and mentor I neglected time to work on what was and still important to me….my Ph.D. With time off and schedule changes, I have realized that this degree means more to me than ever. I have maintained great academic standing at Capella prior to the Withdrawal and have successfully passed the Comprehensive examination required of me to get to this stage. I should not give up now. I didn’t quite adjust to the dissertation process and since realizing that I do have what is …show more content…

I want to successfully complete my dissertation and obtain my degree so that I can continue practicing School Psychology and become a professor at a local college/university. Obtaining a Ph.D. brings a sense of esteem to one's being, but as well self-fulfills one to know that they have put forth all the effort to accomplish that goal. Having a Ph.D. will set me as a leader in my local school district and encourage other opportunities in the area of education. A Ph.D. will also allow me to become a candidate for a tenure position as a professional and hopefully, one day become Psychology Department Chair. The opportunities are

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