
My Company Is an Equal Opportunity Employer Essay

Decent Essays

According to the employee handbook, my employer company has the policy of ensuring there is an equal opportunity of employment to all people without any form of discrimination. This includes discrimination based on disability. The company, therefore, makes sure that it observes the federal laws, which prohibits discrimination of applicant employees based on the disabilities regardless of their qualification. This law is known as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In fact, the company has a policy that ensures there is no discrimination against the qualified individuals, who have disabilities concerning the application procedures, advancement, hiring, compensation, discharge, training, and other terms, conditions as well as …show more content…

Moreover, there will be no need of the accommodation in case the threats cannot be eliminated using reasonable accommodation, or if such accommodation will create a hardship to the company. Anyone seeking accommodation has to contact the Human Resource department in order to place his or her requests and ask any question relating to the company’s accommodation.
According to the employee handbook of my employer, the company provides benefits as well as services to all the employees, which are injured while on the job. These are in line with the OSHA rule. The benefits given always aim at helping these employees return to their work quickly. The company covers all the costs of the medical aid, which is required because of the workplace injuries or illness. These may include the hospital care, medication, medical, and surgery. The benefits in such cases will include allowances for home maintenance and self-care, medical examination, hospital expenses, clothing, among other health related benefits. In case the accident is fatal, the company covers part of the expenses incurred during burial, cremation, as well as the memorial services. In addition, eligible dependants of the deceased employee will be compensated. There exists a procedure, which must be followed in case one has to benefit from this company policy. The initial stage involves reporting the injury, then following all the subsequent

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