
My Dad : A Short Story

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My dad was a military doctor. He one of the bravest people you will ever meet. He did two full tours in afghanistan and saved many lives. He is my biggest inspiration. Having my dad in the military meant he was always gone and that really messed up our family but, he always told me: life is like a big wave that you are surfing and it can get polluted real fast but you just have to keep surfing through all the garbage that is tossed in your sea of worries. I remember the day like it was yesterday, me and my mom had been waiting for dad to come home for days I started to wonder if he was even going to come home. We had a talent show that day at school, I was the mc for the show and was scared out of my mind. My voice quivering, I introduced the first group, took a breath and then moved to my side of the stage meanwhile scanning the room to see if my dad was in the crowd somewhere, to ease my mind of the stress. I saw nothing. As the music started playing for the group that was supposed to be performing, I saw out of the corner of my eye my dad and some of his army friends running across the stage. They all scooped me up and gave me the biggest hug ever. I was so happy to see his big smile and feel his arms around me again, it was like he never left. Through my tear filled eyes I muttered,” I was worried that you weren’t coming home this time.” He put me down and looked me straight in the eye and said “I would never do that to you, I love you too much.” His eyes started to fill with tears as well, he smiled his big white smile and said ” When I was gone I thought about you 24/7.” It the meant the world to hear him say that to me in person, every time we would talk before he hung up he would say I think about you 24 and I would always reply 7. It was our thing. We have been doing it for as long as I can remember. Everyone in the crowd was cheering, there were even some people crying but all I could think about was my dad. It was a magical moment for everyone there I just wish my mom could have been there to see it. When we got home we saw mom sleeping on the couch with an empty bottle of vodka on the table next to her. I saw my dad was a bit confused, so I told him about her drinking problem that had started

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