
My Dream

Decent Essays

Life is about change, it’s what makes our lives different from one another. Without change what do we have to live towards? These thoughts attack my mind everytime the lights go out, or every time my father wants me to become something that I don’t believe is the right route for me. He goes on and on about me becoming the greatest cardiothoracic surgeon to ever live. When we host simple things like dinner parties, he brags about me being so smart, it’s likes he’s trying to sell me. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad that he’s proud of me, it’s just that I wish he was proud of me for doing something that I want to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamt of becoming a ballet dancer. Every night at eight pm “Dancing Talent” comes on, it is the only television show that I watch. My father gives me this look and shuts it off everytime he catches me watching. Unfortunately, this is my life and I wish my father would stop conforming me to his regulations and standards.

About a year ago my friend, Adelasia and I, auditioned to be apart of a dance recital at our high school during our junior year. Once my father found out, he demanded that I quite and focus on my chemistry. He is so traditional, he even still listens to tartanella and drinks scotch on the rocks while my mother serves him. I just don’t understand why she’s with him. This is the 21st century, she has a voice she just needs to use it unfortunately, it’s like she’s scared of him and I don’t know why, which

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