
My Dreams Of My Superpowers

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Superpowers “You can do anything that you set your mind to!” This was a very common phrase that my parents would say to me when my siblings and I were younger. Now at the age of 17 I understand that it's supposed to inspire me to follow my dream. But that’s not how the mind of my five year old self translated it. At five years old I was more focused on playing with barbie dolls and watching superhero movies. My favorite superhero was batman. He would always make sure to save the day and get the bad guys. At five years old my dreams for my future were nothing like they are now. They mostly revolved around having some type of special ability. I wanted to have telekinesis which was no doubt inspired by watching Race to Witch Mountain. Most of the movies that I watched at five years old had some type of main character who either had a superpower or was a superhero. Most of my dreams were to be like them and have some cool superpower that I could use. So when my parents kept telling me that I can do anything as long as I try, I don't think they meant that I can have any superpower I want. Looking back on it now, most of the time that my parents said that phrase was when I told them I couldn't do my homework because it was too hard. They most likely meant for that saying to inspire me to work hard and finish my homework. But at five years old I thought that if this phrase applies to homework then why can't it apply to everything else, like gaining a superpower. My family and I

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