
My Experience In High School

Decent Essays

Another day in this school. Maybe if I keep my head down the entire class the time will go by faster. The most valuable part of my day was when the last bell rang. School was a cycle that felt eternal. My greatest passion and aspiration is Basketball. My life had no other purpose, sophomore year of high school and already I was scouted by two universities. I was bound to at least after college play overseas, so I didn’t think of a career. Before I get ahead of myself it was inevitable that I had to graduate high school first. At one moment of a person’s life, we stumble across something that will change our lives forever. During my early years of high school, I had no passion for academics. I was introduced to a book by my favorite teacher, and my mind experienced a shift, I was able to see myself beyond a basketball court. My Coach Carla would always tell me “you’re a student-athlete, the student comes first”. However, whenever I fell behind in my studies my teachers would always give me extensions on assignments because I was a part of the Lady Cardinals. If it wasn’t for my athlete title, I wouldn’t have the grades to make the team. Apart from basketball and Coach Carla, the connection I had with my sophomore teacher and the discovery of Toni Morrison’s prominent book The Bluest Eye completely refined my distaste for reading and writing. I always looked forward to my English class, not due to the class lessons, but I was excited to catch up with Ms. Murray. She was my

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