
My Experience In Life And Different Experiences In My Life

Decent Essays

All of us have a story to tell. Something that separates us from others. We may have similar experiences, but what makes us different is how we handle them. In my life I have cherished memories, hopes for my future, and heartaches that may never leave. Life can get complicated, but it’s all about figuring out who you are and who you want to be.

I would say I had a pretty good childhood. It was filled with good memories, great laughs, and lots of fun. When I was 3, my parents divorced, but I can’t really remember them ever being together so it’s never been an issue. At my mom’s house I always spent a lot of time at my grandma’s house playing with my cousins. It was like having a bunch of brothers and sisters. We still have great relationships between each other, even now in high school. On my dad’s side, his family lives in California so I don’t get to see them as much, but the friends we hang out with are practically family. Our neighbors have three kids from the ages 1-6. I consider them as three more siblings pretty much. It’s very warm and comfortable just like at my mom’s. As for my school life, from 1st grade to 6th grade I went to the Catholic school here in Thorp. I had some pretty good years there. Because there were only about 10 of us, it felt like another little family. In 7th grade is when I transferred to the Public school. I think because I’d gotten used to being in smaller groups, coming to the Public school was a big deal with the class sizes being larger.

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