
My Experience In My Life

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Want to know what I did this summer that is different than yours? Well you’re going to hear a lot about it from me in this writing. Traveling in a long hot car ride down to Panama City, Florida is one heck of a ride let me tell you. The hot air on your face as you’re just trying to relax in the back seat of a crammed SUV. The air is so hot that it’s way to hard to fall asleep in the fifteen hour long car ride to your destination. So then you're forced to actually communicate with the people in the car with you, which than you figure out isn’t so bad after all. Laughing the whole way down and jamming out made our whole trip down so much better than it originally was going to be. And than when you finally pull into the driveway of your new …show more content…

I had fifty blankets because It was so cold in the morning and bundled myself up. We hit the road with many more miles to go, and I can feel my excitement building knowing when I wake up I will be in Florida with my toes in the sand and reading my book on the beach relaxing.
I’m waken up by this hot air making me sweat buckets underneath my millions of blankets. I look out the window and I see palm trees and sand everywhere. Shopping to my left and beach to the right, I was in heaven and just full of excitement. We pull into the driveway of our new home for the whole week, and i’m just filled with excitement. Everyone piled out of the hot car and ran up to the door to go inside to look around. I walk up to the door to open it, and a cleaning lady comes out and told me that it was going to be another half hour till we could go in because they weren't done cleaning yet. So we unloaded the car and and put all of our belongings on the porch. Since we were right on the beach my cousins, Bayleigh, and I walked to the beach to check it out. This water was breathtaking, something I have never seen before. Being right on the Gulf of Mexico, this water was so clear and the prettiest blue green water you could ever of seen. We immediately ran back to the house to change into our bathing suits in the outdoor shower area so that we could go in the water. We took our floats, towels, and boogie boards and went

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