
My Experience In My Life

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At the age of 20, I mastered the smallest life skills to succeed in this life. I can establish and maintain my finances, file my taxes, maintain my car, communicate, and even pay my college tuition. I have been my own advocate, cheerleader, and counselor ever since I could drive. I learned how to cope and accept my weaknesses, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t struggled with myself. I am constantly in a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension that causes an extreme amount of self doubt.
At night, when it is so dark the darkness lurks around suffocating me. I lie awake listening to the cars outside and the endless chatter of the crickets. I think back through my life and try to comfort myself into a peaceful sleep, but can never shake the endless thoughts piercing through my brain. My mind is consumed by questions and negative self-talk. I try disempowering them, but they come out stronger as if they had just taken a dose of cortisone. If only I acted differently… Could I have approached that situation differently? Who am I?
I am anxiety. I am the feeling you have when you have forgotten something but can't remember what it is. I am the mini heart attack you receive when you're walking down the stairs and miss a step, causing a panic attack. I am the reason why your heart never calms down and the butterflies remain in the pit of your stomach. I am the insecurity of not knowing whether or not someone is being rude, so you constantly worry how they feel about you. I

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