
My Experience In The Field

Good Essays

On most Tuesdays, freshman Amanda Moeller tries to wake up around 5 AM to have a decent breakfast, study her scriptures, and get ready for her first class. December 5, however, didn’t start out quite as she planned it. With the time reading 6:10 AM on her alarm clock, Moeller had to forgo her typical schedule just to make it to class on time. And despite having less time, she still managed to arrive 10 minutes early to her 7:45 Mission Prep class. Moeller parked in the Kimball Lot and embarked on a brief walk to the Taylor building for her class with Brother Kinghorn. However, she may just like the walk a bit more than the class itself. “I like how there are trees lining the doors into the Taylor chapel because when I’m walking in I …show more content…

Sister Tobler continued the class’s recent studies on educational giants, with that day’s discussion opting to focus on Jean Piaget. Much of his research focused on differing stages of development in varying ages of children, which will aid Moeller in her planned career as an elementary school teacher. Moeller explained that one of the videos they watched in class featured kids being asked questions about God, with topics like who God is, how old He is, where He comes from, etc. While the older children were generally more proficient in their responses, some of the younger ones had simple yet profound statements for their age. One little girl, upon being asked how she knew God was real, simply stated, “Because I’ve felt his love,” and that was something Moeller found quite impressive and interesting. Class ended, but instead of leaving the building, Moeller decided to stick around for about an hour and work on homework, which apparently is a common practice for her. Alas, the time for class once again arrived, and she journeyed to the Ricks building for History 115. Under the guidance of Brother Smith, the class ventured into the realm of the judicial branch of the government. Moeller also added that this class is for her major, as her emphasis is in Social Studies. She loves history, and she particularly enjoys anything related to the judicial branch because her father (Greg Moeller) is a judge here in Rexburg. As that was her last class of the day, Moeller

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