
My Family

Decent Essays

As a little kid I have always saw my family come together at the dinner table at the end of the day and really get together and talk about all the gossip and what things still have to be done. That was the routine and I thought it was something we were always going to do till we die but I was wrong. As sad it is to admit that good things never last it seems like this was something I came to realize was slowly but surely dying off in tradition. So who is to blame the parents, children, or the industries and society because fast food easy and quick didn’t require a homemade meal so there is less time spent at home, in the kitchen, and at the dining table with your family.
Sadly, I took apart in this murder it seemed like as my older siblings got older and so did I. We spent less and less time at home we did not make home a priority to go to when we had either other things to do or even better things to do. Some nights my older brother would just not come home for two days and my mom as worried sick would spend most days looking for him so we would just go eat pizza. To sometimes my older sibling would even spend holidays or other special events with their boyfriend or girlfriend so that became a trend and it slowly but surely happening more often. What did I do to stop this, I did not do anything I was the second youngest and looking up to my four other siblings I did the same as I got older. I can not say I regret it but I do miss it.
I miss my mom's cooking so much and as a

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