
Family, Friends And Lovers

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In the film, “The Emotional Life” there was a very interesting episode called “Family, Friends and Lovers”. “Family, Friends and Lovers” reminded me of situations that I have experienced in the past. I can honestly relate to this episode in so many ways, such as my outlook on family and friends. The first few people that babies ever know are their family. Infants value their mother/caregiver more than anyone. From birth they tend to form a bond with their caregiver, in which is known as attachment. Due to their family members being the first people they interact with they learn how to relate with people at home. Family relationship is practice to what is next; meaning the relationships people gain with their family helps them prepare for future relationship with others. Friendships can be very helpful because no one wants to be lonely. It is quite nice to have someone else to hang and interact with besides family. It is great to have a friend that you can connect with. In the episode, “Family, Friends and Lovers” Harry Harlow “Monkey Love Experiment” was mentioned. In this experiment, he separated infant monkeys from their mothers a few hours after birth, and then arranged for them to be raised by two kinds of surrogate monkey mothers. One mother was made out of bare wire mesh and the other was a wire mother covered with cloth. Given a choice, the infant monkeys preferred the mother covered with soft terry cloth, and they spent a great deal of time cuddling with them.

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