
My Father Speech

Decent Essays

“until you're broken, you don’t know what you're made of it gives you the ability to build yourself again, but stronger than ever”-unknown. Being broken and helpless isn’t easy, but you must have strength and hope at the end of the day when all else fails. My father was my strength, my role model and my best friend and a person I couldn’t let down. As of my mother her being a single parent of five you would think she would be superwoman and show me that you can still hold it together with or without a man, but that was wrong. While my dad is away serving the time, he has a major impact on my life he has taught me to be independent inside and out and I thank him because I am who I am today because of him. At an early age, my father instilled independent qualities in me and self-assurance was the main one. Self-assurance is being able to trust me and my different abilities when doing things. My father didn’t teach be too confident he just instilled it in me. I chose this route because I wanted something in life, I wanted to be great and even better than my parents. My father didn't force me to do anything in life he led me half way there and I led the rest of the way. Being raised the way I was; has taught me a lot and has made me look at the thing from a different perspective. I took on being very confident in my sophomore thru my senior year and each year I just progressed. Not having a father in the picture physically is hard but having a mother physically but not in

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