
My Favorite Waste Of Time

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Bishop Asaiah took us places at times. One of my favorite places to go was to the public pool in the valley. On Saturdays, we would go to the park with the swimming to the Public Pool. But there is one day that stands out in my mind about the creativity of my friend Terry. Our Park Story! During the summer months on Saturday mornings, some of us kids would go to the public swimming pool. I was 12 years old and enjoyed cooling off and splashing in the water. I always wanted to swim in the pool longer than my friends. I was the dark girl (half black), and everyone else was white except my brother. They used to frustrate me to no end because they didn’t want to swim the entire time. They wanted to lay out with their towels and lay on the cement and get tans.

My thinking was “A tan is an annoying waste of time if you are born with a perfect color of skin. They would smile and tell me how lucky I was to be a bit darker, then roll over to make sure their tan would be even. I did not want to go in the pool by myself.

One summer afternoon, though, it was just my friend Terry and me. We had gone swimming at the pool, and then we dressed back into shirts and shorts. We walked to the park to find something to do waiting for our ride back home. We decided to play catch. Of course, we did not have a ball. I do not even remember balls at the Fountain. But with Terry's creativity, we played catch without something to throw. So we stood in the green

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