
My Fear Of Fear

Good Essays

Every day, we tend to base our actions on fear. We are afraid of getting poor. We are afraid of getting old. We are afraid of being criticized. We are even afraid of death! When we come up against something new or different, we become uncomfortable and nervous. This causes us to pause and evaluate our options. Indecision crystallizes into doubt and the blending of these two results in fear. This is where disconnects occur. We tend to rely on “gut feelings” to make decisions. So, of course, we stop dead in our tracks and choose NOT to take that next, scary step. That’s when fear masters you.

I have been dealing with unfounded fears of fear. It was all started when I learned swimming. I was in the elementary school. I practiced at the Bulungan Sport Arena. It is about 15 kilometers away from my house, but only 2 kilometers away from my mother's office. So, my mother can easily check on me whenever she wants.

At the beginning of the training, the coach introduced us to the training methods. In the first month, we will occupy the shallow pool to get us comfortable with the water. After that, we will move to the deep pool to applied swimming styles, as well. All went well until my mum came to my last session in the shallow pool.

“Mbak Anna!” she said in a half screaming. …show more content…

The pool was dirty and unkempt. Moreover, the water was green and slimy. We were like “cendol”. My mother asked me to stop swam there because she was afraid I would get skin diseases. Finally, I switch to another sport, which is not in the contact with water. However, my eagerness to swim was very high. Then, I asked my mother's permission for swimming. She was let me, but with one condition: do not swim in the deep pool, so I would not get drowned. In the next decades, I spent my life rock-style swimming in a shallow pool, until my friend introduced me to

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