
My First Grade Science Class

Decent Essays

Her name was Lucy. It was in the back right corner of our eighth grade science class. I was looking up and my teacher, Mr. Smith was looking back at me as he led his usual morning lesson. The floor had pale brown tiles and the old Oak desks arranged in three rows of five sets of two in each row. I knew everyone in the room, my friends and I did not sit near each other, but this girl I was close friends with sat right next to me. She had long brown hair and big brown eyes. I was thirteen and at the time, and “Guy Code” was that having a girlfriend made you impressive to your peers. I thought this was something that I wanted to accomplish, but I did not realize that I was going to make a fool out of myself in front of her. People say “highschool never ends”, but it is something you learn from and overcome over time. People make mistakes and sometimes you can end up embarrassed, but these things occur and we learn from them. The class was just about to begin a reading session for the book 1984. Lucy and I were in our seats waiting for books to be passed around; I was leaning back into my chair with my arms hanging at my sides, and she was leaning forward with the arm closest to me at her side. She reached back to seek my attention. I felt the back of her cold hand touch my warm hand, For a split second, the marriage between the temperatures of our hands gave me an impression of what it would be like if I was her boyfriend. She continued to wrap her thin, soft fingers around

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