
Olivia Monologue Essay

Decent Essays

I believe in karma and I believe if you’re nice to everybody, everybody is going to be nice back. I was just maybe seven or eight years old at the time, it was just a few weeks after the first day of third grade. This girl, her name was Olivia, was getting bullied by the school bully, Brooke. Olivia, who was one of the youngest girls in our grade, didn’t know what to do. Brooke would call her names, take her stuff, and make sure Olivia didn't make any friends at all. One day when Brooke pushed Olivia down and took her colourful pencil, I walked up to Olivia and asked her if she was okay. Olivia was trembling, I helped her up. We started talking and soon we became friends. When we were together Brooke would leave Olivia alone, but when she …show more content…

The school year was ending soon and Olivia and I managed to almost make it the whole year without Brooke trying to ruin our friendship. But as the end of the year neared Brooke became more rude and violent. It was the day of the class play, I sadly forgot which play it was, but we were backstage getting into our costumes. Brooke, who I vividly remember playing the tree, was in a horrible mood. She was screaming at everyone and making sure she got her way. Once she realised that Olivia and I were in the play too she was infuriated. She even tried to sabotage Olivia’s costume, hiding it so when she found it her scene would be almost over. Then when the play started she struck. She purposely tried to ruin the play, she trashed the whole backstage then blamed it on Olivia. She should've thought about her “master” plan a little better because there were cameras. The principal had to have an extremely long talk with Brooke, Olivia, and I about what happened. As soon as Mrs. Polly learned that it was Brooke who planned it all just to frame Olivia, she got suspended. When her parents came to pick her up she was livid. She was screaming at us and even tried to hit Olivia. Finally, we thought, she would be gone for a while, but soon we got an even better

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