
My First Placement At A Rest Home Care Facility Essay

Decent Essays

In June I started my first placement at a rest home care facility. It was a whole new experience to me and I worked with Registered Nurses (RN 's) plus Care Assistants (CA 's) for the majority of the time I was there. Even though the time I spent with the RN 's was limited I had learnt many new things in particular the way they constantly kept the residents and their family members up to date and educated on whatever was currently going on with the resident themselves. Witnessing this I came to realize that educating others is a big role you undertake as a nurse and the best way to educate patients is to be educated yourself in what you 're talking about to them. There was one scenario that stood out to me the most while I was working with an RN at the rest home care facility that involved a man that couldn 't speak English and it was dire that the nurses kept him and his family educated about what was currently going on with this man. It was early in the morning and handover had just begun. One of the other RN 's found that this man had Gout at the tip of his finger the night before. The RN and I began our rounds that morning and eventually went and seen the man at around breakfast time. The RN noticed that the man had managed to cut open the Gout ulcer and the wound would need to be dressed as soon as possible. Because the man could not speak English this became a communication barrier between him and the RN and it was difficult because she could not properly educate him

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