
My First Year Of Medical School

Decent Essays

At the beginning of my third year of medical school, I kept an open mind when it came to evaluating which specialty would be an appropriate fit to further my career in medicine. Anesthesiology provides the combination of intellectual challenges and hands-on approach that will allow me to use my abilities to help better patient care. With the ability to experience and interact in a variety of cases and patient populations will force oneself to be remain knowledgeable and current in a wide spectrum of medicine disciplines. I believe with the diversity available in anesthesia, I have an opportunity to work in field that will test my medical knowledge and creative skills to individualize patient care.
As I approach the end of my medical school education which was undoubtedly the most challenging and enriching time of my life. During my basic science years my interest and fascination grew by how pharmacological agents could help an array of diseases. During my clerkship years, I used the time to better shape my clinical skills and clinical knowledge. I was first drawn to anesthesiology in the middle of my third year. During my surgery rotation the first person I ever interacted with in the surgery operating room was anesthesiologist. He was eager to teach and I was eager to learn. The dynamic and intricate detail that goes into preparing a patient for surgery was appealing. I was drawn to the combination of hands-on approach and the practical application of pharmacology that I

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