I was in 3rd grade, I didn’t have any friends.. I didn’t know a lot of people... Until I met my friend Leena. We talked a lot, She was mostly interested in My Little Pony, Which I didn’t enjoy. I liked Cartoons, but we still got along. I then started making fun of her for liking the show, I made up some stupid song about how boring the show was. Then she one day started getting back at me for it, and always called me stupid. A few weeks later I apologized and so did she, and we became friends again. She then one day got us friendship necklaces, it was a horse and inside were different colors and it would change depending on the temperature in the room. We were Neighbors, She one day came over to my house, and asked if I would like to come over to her’s. I agreed and went with her. She gave me a tour of her house and her room, we talked a lot. We both then decided to go outside and go on a walk, but then my mom came and picked me up, That was the only time we ever hung out, outside of school. In 5th grade we never stayed in touch, In 6th grade I moved, and in school, we never talked, we lost touch. It wasn’t until 7th grade when we actually saw each other again, In athletics, we ended up getting lockers right next to each other. During that time she showed me a new show that she liked, I watched it, and it ended up being really good. We kept talking and became friends again, ever since then we have become really close. She used to be jealous and annoyed by me, because of
Back in seventh, I meet a girl who I instantly click with. We always hung out after school, told each other everything and whenever there was a group project, we would be partners or go together in a group. Eighth grade was when things started to change because we weren’t in the same class. The problem wasn’t that we were going to grow apart simply because we didn’t have any classes together because all our options were together and there was always lunch to hang out with each other. After a of school month, it was radio silence from her, I tried to talk to her, but she would either turn away or started to talk to someone else. I couldn’t comprehend when had happened between us, we didn’t get in an arguement. I wouldn’t have called her overweight, she was just a bit chubby, but by January she was unrecognizable. Her arms and legs looked like toothpicks and her head looked like it had shrunken in. When ninth grade rolled around, she started to talk to me again because we had mutual friends that we would eat lunch together in a group. We had French class together where we would sit with each other. In March, she started doing small that would have the lunch group and I were scratching our heads. At first it was just little things, like getting angry for no reason or excluding some girls in the group. Then it turned into her dating one of the lunch girl's ex-boyfriend. It’s
Leslie Chavez has been my close friend for 10 years ever since kindergarten we live so close to each other that even if we wanted to we wouldn’t be able to get rid of each other. It all started the first day of kindergarten when a little girl named Leslie I hated her she would always stole my pencil with my great luck she was my cubbie buddy, now we learned to like each other, our arguments have brought us together because we were so honest to each other. Leslie now has always been there when I needed her, once I ran away and dashed to her house in first grade. Leslie and I have been so close that she has been there to clean up by throw up and let me borrow clothes. Leslie and I are obviously going to still being friends after high school
Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I was so bored that I was going to meet up with the gang when i heard yelling from the other room. “ Johnny get in here and clean this room! It’s a mess and I ain’t gonna raise messy children.”, said Dad. I knew i hadn’t made that mess. They got drunk and threw a lot of things everywhere. But, my parents just don’t like me much and I’m used to that. After I finished cleaning the room. I immediately went into the kitchen. They don’t care about me at all. They wouldn’t even care if I died. It was a late afternoon and I was starting to get hungry. I looked in the fridge for something to eat. There wasn’t much. Just baked beans, a loaf of bread and ham. I decided I would have a ham sandwich.
One of my nicest friends when I moved from Azores, Portugal to Minot, North Dakota in 2005 was Nicole Hamm. Nicole and I met at the CDC in Minot Air Force Base, in September of 2005. Ever since we met each other we have became unseperatable, until she moved to Florida in the summer of 2015 but we still talk. When we first met she was kind, and caring. There was never a day where she didn't make me laugh so hard that I was crying. When I first met her, we played 20 questions. My first question was what is your favorite color? Yet, her answer was neon purple ( not purple it had to be neon purple). As we kept playing I found that she likes to play Legos, and Minecraft with her younger brother and that she loves to watch Monster High and My
You know when you have one of those friends you feel like you will have forever? Well, I have already found mine. This is the story. The first of seventh grade I stayed with the same small friend group and didn’t talk to people if it wasn’t required. Fast forward to eighth grade and I had made some band nerd friends because they had my sense of humor and the same love for band. Band was probably my favorite class and the class where I could be myself and not worry who was watching. I had made some friends with some fellow clarinet players and found out that they weren’t that bad once you got to know them. There was this one girl, her name was Nina Zeiler, she was the type of person that hanged out with the outcasts and was more of a rebel but was on the cheerleading team. I tried not to talk to her then which sounds ridiculous now that she is my best friend.
Second period had just ended and you would see students walking out to the field. Taking it easy I approached the end of the ramp, I took a look around and I saw the many small cliques. I heard a faint voice call my name so I turned to see who it was. A teacher. She looked at me and signaled to come over. She had told me to talk to young girl who was by herself, just like me. I sat down next to her, we were both silent. I decided to break the ice and ask her a few questions and she asked some in return. We had some form of a conversation, and because of that we became friends. Best friends. I never knew that it was that easy, and soon after that our friendship circle became a lot bigger. I was able to laugh and smile just like how I saw the other students on the first day of school. I was able to come to school and enjoy it. When I was young I always thought that I would be attending Mira Mesa High School, I never had imagined graduating at High Tech High North County, until
Before I came to Baker Middle School, I attended elementary school in Laytonsville. I had a group of friends that consisted of five people, Olivia Fink, Olivia Pallas, Mason LeBlanc, Kody Johnson, and Stefan Jacob. The Olivia’s both attend this school alongside me, but sadly the other three attends a different school. I became friends with those three because we all had common interests in multiple categories such as cartoons and humor. I still keep in touch with them, but I know we aren’t as close as we used to be. With the Olivia’s we all became best friends in the first week of Kindergarten and we still have been by each other’s side since. We became friends because we all sat next to each other on our little chairs, and talked about anything
I made new friends and went to the Magis Program every Saturday. I saw some friends ,but it was different now. I'm not in their lives anymore and they are not really in my life either. Pretty soon after, me and my friends stopped talking because we went to different school and life was different. I didn’t like it. I wanted to know what was happening in my old school and how everyone was doing. I was pretty sad and missed everyone. So school went by ,and me and my friends still saw each other ,but we weren’t as close as we were. So life went on 8th grade came and my decision came back. 8th grade year was fun I had made a lot of friends and a lot bonds with them. Some of the friends I made were going to go to St. Ignatius or St. Edwards or other private high schools. It was also my time to decide to which high school to go to. It was a hard decision so I delayed it. My friends from Magis also started talking to me again. They thought that I was still going to St. Ignatius. I was deciding whether to go Westlake High School or to go to Ignatius. I delayed the my decision until summer. So during 8th grade the whole 8th grade went to Washington D.C and I then realized that I didn’t to go to thru the same feeling again. So I told my old friends that Im sry one the last day of the Magis program before the summer camp
12 years ago, Gina and I had first met at a fateful Daisy Scout meeting—but 7th grade was when we ecstatically joined the photography club and bonded over photoshoots of the snowy soccer field, daisy bouquets, and the town’s architecture. Freshman year, she persuaded me to join the tennis team with her, and from the experience, I've grown to love the sport and even make friends at Shelton. Finally, in our shared classes like APUSH, we had a blast recording an 80s mixtape for our final exam project. Our friendship is symbiotic—I teach her trickier concepts while she pushes me to loosen up and say what’s on my mind. Before junior year when I moved to a different town and high school, we promised to stay close and meet up every month. Although
At the end of my first grade year, I moved away from the small, rural town near Vienna where I had lived since I was born. On my first day of school at Lincoln Elementary, I quickly made friends with two girls in my class named Pam and Kelly. Pam and Kelly introduced me to their group of friends that were all in our second grade class. For the rest of the school year, this group of friends was who I played on the playground with everyday and talked to in the classroom. After a great first year of school in Marion, the time came for my third grade year. Every year at Lincoln, there is a day that is close to the beginning of the school year where the students can come to the school to meet their new teacher and look at the class list to see which of their friends is in their class. On that morning, I went to Lincoln to find out who my new teacher was. To my dismay, I found out that all of my friends from second grade had a different teacher than I did. After finding out that I was not in class with any of my friends, I knew that I would have to find a new friend to talk to in my third grade class in addition to having all of my friends from second grade. At the beginning of my third grade year, I hung out with two friends I met named Phyllis and Erin. As the year progressed, I started to hang out with Angela who would soon become one of my best
When I was in kindergarten, the first of many schools I would attend, I made quite a few friends that year including some that I still know today. One of the friends that I made in kindergarten was a girl named Amelia. From kindergarten to 6th grade, we were good friends. Then, everything seemed to fall apart. Now, she seems to almost despise me for reasons that I do not know and hope to find out. Well from kindergarten to the end of third grade I was at St. Bridget’s in Watervliet. Then, from fourth grade to the first three weeks of sixth grade I was at St. Ambrose. Most of my friends from St. Bridget’s went to St. Ambrose after St. Bridget’s closed in third grade; so, I didn’t really need to make a lot of new friends or worry about being shy, because at that time in my life I was very shy. While I was at St. Ambrose, I made a friend name John, whom I still know and happens to go to CCHS “Catholic Central High School” (My current school) too. While I was at St. Ambrose, I pretty much did most of the bulletin board designing for my fourth grade teacher, Mr. Balcavage. He was really tall and he had huge hands. Some times in class he would pat some of us on our heads, and for most of us, his hand could have palmed our heads. While I was in fourth grade, my class and I were doing a project on the planets.
Have you ever met someone for the first time, and felt like you knew them since you were born? That is how I felt about my best friend Dede. We both live on E84, on the same floor but never met each other until our Evangelism class last semester. She was friends with a girl that I had met previously but had not seen in a while. She then introduced me to Dede, we talked for a while, and exchanged numbers. I left the religious hall and began to walk back to my dorm. Suddenly, I heard Dede screaming my name so I turned around, there she was bent over trying to catch her breath. We then began to walk together and talk about our experiences at Liberty University. We walked back to the dorm together, and that is how our friendship started.
The school was on vacation, so after the school’s vacation was over, my sister’s and I went to school. I went to Houlton Elementary School because I was in 2nd grade. On my first day of school, I had made my first actual friend, her name was Mia. We became friends because the teacher told us to do a timeline project of our lifetime, and I started crying because I missed my family, so Mia told me everything would be alright . We had started hanging out with each other after that, I found out that similar lives. We both had three dogs, two older sisters, and we are the youngest. We have been friends ever since
8th grade was the best summer I’ve ever had. I was so happy because I was able to finally had a group of friends. It all started in Alpena, in May. My friend Breanna and I had gotten into numerous altercations and stopped being friends for a long time. Breanna messaged me and I decided that we should go get some ice cream. It turns out she wanted to say sorry for how she was acting. To this day, I consider her my best friend. Breanna and I reconciled in May and haven’t stopped being friends since. Earlier that year, I had met my friend Alyssa. She was basically like me, loud, crazy, cool, and didn’t care about others opinions on her. This is what basically bonded us. Breanna and I and Alyssa had hung out for a month, and we became the bestest
She was very nice, sweet and friendly. I invited her to my house, we hung out to other places outside of school and she was VERY shy there too. 1 year passed, we chatted through Facebook and we made videocalls through Skype and watched movies together. It was great, because she was a good listener and I started telling her my inner secrets. She was also a great advisor and a great friend; she never betrayed me or failed in being a good friend. Now, we're in Senior year, and we're the bestest friends ever. And I REALLY am grateful of having her in my life - she literally made me a better person and made me feel hopeful again... This is just a shoutout to everyone who reads this; people can be more awesome than you think, and they can even change your