
My Grandmother : My Grandmother

Decent Essays

Many of us take people in our lives for granted and don’t realize how important these people were until we’ve lost them. We often forget to appreciate and cherish the time we have with them and fail to recognize the impact they have on our life before it’s too late. People should treasure the time they have with their loved ones. Someone who I try to appreciate and cherish the time with is my grandmother, who I refer to as Nina. My grandmother was a huge part of my childhood; I loved her dearly. While my mom was busy with college, she was the one with whom I spent most of my days. I remember disrupting the calm atmosphere of my grandmother’s house with my frantic questioning about food to fill the void in my stomach. By the time I was awake, frozen waffles were placed into the burgundy toaster, in the burgundy kitchen, in the burgundy house filled with apple decorations. Afterwards, I’d go alongside her out the door so she could water her plants while the grass watered my feet with dew. Later on, I’d listen to her sing songs no one else knew but her: “Chicken heart, chicken gizzards, my true love is as slick as a lizard.” She claimed it was an actual song lyric from an old country song, but I have my suspicions because I have yet to find out what song it came from. Navarro 1 When I was five, my mother decided we should move twelve hours and nine minutes away to Texas. On the day I left, I desperately hung on to what I loved most; my Nina. I literally had her trapped in a

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