
My Grandmother 's Parents On My Dad 's Side Essay

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My great grandparents, Joe Seymour and Bonnie Hudkins were my grandfather’s parents on my dad’s side, and they changed the denomination in which they believe several times. Joe grew up going to an Episcopal church as a boy, but as a young man, he converted to the Lutheran church when he married my great-grandmother Bonnie who was born and raised a Lutheran. While my grandfather was young, my great-grandfather sent him without telling my great-grandmother to an Episcopal Boys Home to correct his misbehavior. However, my great grandmother got upset that my grandfather took him to the boys’ home and there were other religious differences which led them to leave the Episcopal and Lutheran church altogether and go to the Church of Christ. Once they got connected in the Church of Christ, they accepted the doctrine that they were the true church of the New Testament. My grandmother’s parents on my dad’s side were Robert Ross Jr. and Hazel (Helen) Mayfield. Robert Ross was raised in the Pentecostal church where they believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. However, Robert and Helen got divorced, and Robert got remarried to a woman named Mary. Mary is a Seventh Day Adventist, so after marrying Mary Robert converted to be a Seventh Day Adventist to adapt to Mary’s beliefs about diet and health as well as life in general. My great-grandmother, Helen on the other hand, is Pentecostal, born and raised and is actually the daughter of a

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