
My Heroism : A Hero : Being A Hero

Decent Essays

It does not require much to be a hero; but in fact any one can be a hero. Heroism is not just about having a cool costume with a matching cape, it is about the good qualities that a person possesses. One of my hero’s is my mom, because of her selfless and caring spirit. While I was in high school one of my close friends Amber and her family lost their home after the economy crashed. All the more reason my mom and I were absolutely mortified that at dinner at the news of Amber withdrawing from school to move to Florida with her relatives.
Amber and I had been friends since middle school. She told my mom, Denise and I that she was moving Saturday night. I vividly remember her twirling her fork in a bowl of spaghetti as she looked up with a miserable look on her face. She blurted out, “I’m homeless!” My mom looks up at me, both of us with our eyebrows scrunched together and confused. I responded in a soft whisper, “…what do you mean?” Amber said with her voice trembling, trying to hold back tears with her head down hiding the tears streaming down her face, “We lost our house!” She paused “So we have to move in with my grandma.” My heart dropped, my best friend since sixth grade was moving to Florida. I looked across the table wondering where my mom was when I noticed she had made her way around the table to console Amber.
Vibrating we could hear a cellphone thumping across the kitchen counter, my mom excused herself to answer her phone. She picked up the phone and walked

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