
Found Treasure Research Paper

Decent Essays

Trericia Noel

Found Treasures: “Holding on to your past”

My house is just twenty minutes away from Grand Etang Lake. Ever since I was seven years old, my great nana Nora has been taking me on walks to the lake on a daily basis. She would tell me stories of her childhood days and some times when she’s in a good mood, she’ll sing me her favorite song “Carry on till Tomorrow” by Tom Evans. This ritual has become a daily part of my life. Whenever I walk along the paved path around the lake, the memories that my great grand mother and I shared brought joy and happiness to my heart.
It was the day of my great grandmother’s 97th birthday. Everyone was excited about it, because it was a planned surprise birthday party. While my family …show more content…

This little reunion brought tears to her eyes, because there has always been inevitable drama amongst our family. It has been years since she saw her family uniting together as one. On a night that seems so peaceful and fun, something tragic happened. But like always, no one’s life is perfect and this was the big turning point in my life.
My great grandmother had a stroke and she was taken to the hospital by the ambulance. By the time we arrived there, she had already been rushed to the emergency room. As I screamed, and cried my eyes out for her, my parents tried to calm me down. After crying and praying for about 45 minutes, I felt so weak and drained out that I had to lie down. Then I heard a voice saying, “Mrs. Roberts, your mother will be okay but right now she’s in the intensive care unit, so you will not be able to see her at this moment”. My mom and her sisters came back into the waiting room with smiles on their faces, and told us what the doctor said. They said that my great grandma had a stroke that was caused by her high blood pressure, but with medical treatment and rest, everything will be fine.
That night when I went home, I could not sleep. I kept turning and twisting searching for comfort, because I felt disconnected from my great grandmother. I never imagine for one minute that my nana would be laying down in a hospital bed.
When I think of my nana, I see her as she was when I was a little girl growing up. My memories of my nana, was her pretty

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