
My Interracial Family was not Allowed Essay

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I have a lot of respect for my parents but it's only as I've got older I've learned to appreciate them. When I was younger I was oblivious to what they did for me. But I'm not the only one, it's called emotional immaturity and the blindness of youth. Growing older can bring a constant evaluation of the past based on the new insights and understandings of life as we grow in years. I respect my parents because they were so pure in their intentions. Part of that purity was their blindness to colour. I could have easily been another child writing this and that child being Black.

Before having me my parents fostered an African girl, her name was Janine. We still have the photos of her. She was very dark, of the more darker African …show more content…

Firstly if they had of adopted Janine everyone would have known she was adopted by the difference in skin colour. This demonstrated to me they were not concerned if people knew their children were adopted. Not that I think it's a case of being ashamed or embarrassed of adopting children but social conformity does influence. Living the conventional life which they living it's easy to get sucked in. Nobody likes to stick out and everyone likes to be like everyone else type mentalities tend to fester. White parents with a black kid would have stuck out. So I like the fact that they were not letting the approval of others rule their lives. If I was too adopt I don't know how I'd feel with the constant questioning and staring from other people. It's going to happen that's for sure. When you're at the school picking up your kids with all the other parents, chatting away to them while you wait what happens when your black child arrives? It's not something you can easily hide not that you want to. They're either going to say nothing out of politeness or ask if your child is adopted. Wherever you go you're constantly going to run into the issue. And it wasn't that we grew up in a multicultural area. We grew up in Rochester Kent, outside of London which at the time the majority of children were white. I'm thinking now throughout my school years the number of black people in my class. I'm still sitting here thinking, I can't remember a single person. I've never thought on this

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