
My Last Year On Wall Street

Decent Essays

"In my last year on Wall Street my bonus was $3.6 million -- and I was angry because it wasn 't big enough." This opening sentence really grabs the attention of the reader as Sam Polk tells his audience of one of the biggest social problems Americans face: money addiction. However this addiction is not discouraged the same as drugs or alcohol, rather society actively encourages it. Many people measure their success by comparing themselves to others’ wealth. Thus, to be publicly successful, one must strive to earn wealth. However, just like other addictions, the addiction to wealth can be distracting; enough is just never enough. Sam Polk realizes, however, that money dose not fill the voids in one’s life. He recognized that being a wealth addict working on Wall Street is like being an alcoholic working in a liquor store; there are too many temptations. Thus, Sam left his high-paying job and sought counseling and is a happier man today than when he was earning multi-million dollar bonuses. According to a functionalist perspective, all aspects of society are interdependent and contribute to society 's functioning as a whole. . Differences in wealth and power are justified by this perspective because these distinctions would motivate the most qualified to showcase their talents in the most fitting occupation. Thus, society becomes somewhat similar to a pyramid: the best are at the top, while the majority is at the bottom. In other words, it makes sense for Tim Cook, Apple’s

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