I want to extend my sincere apology to all of my readers for the absents of my posting, however it was not my decision to be absent on the web as my computer decided to rebelled and spent weeks in the shop retrieving my documents. I am thankful for the repair shop for retrieving all of my important documents. http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com I want personally thank all who was concerned about my absents. I was able to receive my Email on an old computer.
Now I want to return to the closing section of our study on “Understanding our Bible”
Today we pick up with a look at the Coverdale translation”
Myles Coverdale was born in 1488, very little is known about his early life. , Coverdale became an Augustinian friar. He was at the house of the Augustinians. In 1535 Coverdale produced the first complete printed translation of the Bible into English. He became a important leader in religious history. His theological development is a paradigm of the progress of the English Reformation from 1530 to 1552.
John Rogers, a friend of Tyndales picked up the pen where Tyndale left off and finished translating the Hebrew Old Testament. In 1539 These were printed in England and the publisher was so impressed with what he saw, he went to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in an effort to get the approval to have them published. The Archbishop consented to help and took them to the King for approval, the King granted his approval. This Bible was printed under an alias; the
A Land More Kind than Home by Wiley Cash definitely fits the category of “grit lit.” It is a novel about the Hall’s, a family who is wracked with grief, anxiety, and guilt after the ‘mysterious’ death of one of their sons, Christopher or Stump. The story encompasses more than just the story of the family though as it is told from the perspective of Adelaide Lyle, an old wise woman from the town, Jess Hall the youngest son of the family, and Clem Barefield, the sheriff of Marshall who also had heartache of his own that is intertwined with this families story in more ways than one. The novel incorporates most if not all of the features that is “grit lit” including: an element of crime, a focus on the bleakness of life, lyrical language, and a central character who wishes to escape their environment or get peace inside it.
Thanks again for taking the time to meet with us on Monday. We certainly left with the feeling that you could help us navigate most any issue that we would encounter.
In 1994, a conflict the US couldn't understand, between clans and tribes it didn't know, in a country where there were no national interests, occurred. The Rwandan War of 1994 did not deserve US intervention. There are four contentions on why the US should not have gotten involved in this Rwandan war. The Black Hawk Down incident, how the UN was there previously there, there being no Possible Gain, and having nothing to do with us. Through the examination of the novel, An Ordinary Man by Paul Rusesabagina, it is Obvious that these key points are valid.
1. “It may serve, let us hope, to symbolize some sweet moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow.” In this quote the author is referring to the rose bush by the prison as being a symbol of the sweet moral lesson offered by Anne Hutchinson, a woman who preached to the Puritans without the male-dominated permission of the Puritan church. Like Hester Prynne, Anne was punished. She was sent to the prison. No matter how small an action is, the culture of a society can respond in rage, loathing disgust, even fear. It is behavior that is learned and passed on through religion and community. In colonial Puritan society people were socialized to be very strict and religious and to punish anyone who behaved in a way that was considered improper. Any kind of sin had an exaggerated evil in the Puritan’s eyes, especially ones regarding marriage and sex. Hester Prynne and Anne Hutchinson are both character representations of women who stood up for the rights of women to live their own lives in a strict society.
A loss for words by Lou Ann Walker Is sort of like her own biography of her life With deaf parents. The book starts out with The author's feelings of being a person of hearing and And sort of feeling like an outsider because of her parents. Her maturity had to be at a certain young age because she had to interpret and handle many important situations. The readers are then introduced to Walker's parents and how they got their diagnosis. Walkers father named Gale was diagnosed deaf when he attended a funeral out in the cold at three months of age. I thought this particular part of Gale was interesting as he was outside just like everyone else. Walkers mother, on the other hand, Doris Jean, became deaf when she developed a high
The undying will of friendship can be seen as more powerful than love, but Finny and Gene base this powerful connection for their own benefit instead. A Separate Peace begins with Gene and Phineas attending a private school called Devon in 1942. Gene lacks self fulfillment and looks to Finny for help. John Knowles presents Gene as a symbol of struggle of emotions because he is affected by the war. Gene uses Finny as a way to subside his upsetting past, and thinks of everything as a competition. Because of this thriving passion to have Finny's instincts, their relations are based on a friendship at which only Gene will benefit from. This takes their friendship to a complex level, as there are not only one but two wars. World War 2 and Gene's war with himself show how the turmoil of war destroys relationships.
Dorothy Allison’s essay, Panacea, recalls the fond childhood memories about her favorite dish, gravy. Allison uses vivid imagery to cook up a warm feeling about family meals to those who may be a poor family or a young mother. Appeal to the senses shows this warm feeling, along with a peaceful diction.
In the past couple of weeks, there have been a string of sexual assault allegations against several famous and powerful men. While going through the details of these allegations, I began noticing a distinct pattern, these men have been committing their crimes for years. How they were able to commit their crimes for years, decades even, unscathed was no accident. Why is it so hard for women to be believed and listened to when they speak about the abuse that they have experienced at the hands of men? And how can we move towards true equality between men and women?
Being culturally proficient means that you are able to effectively respond to issues that arise from diversity in many cultural settings (Lindsey, Robins, & Terrell, 2009). A person's level of cultural can be described using the Cultural Proficiency Continuum (Lindsey et al, 2009). In the book White Teacher, the author Vivian Gussin Paley, explores her experiences as a teacher and how these experiences helped her gain cultural proficiency and move upwards on the cultural proficiency continuum.
The novel “An Unquiet Mind” starts off describing the life of a young girl, Kay. Early off in Kay’s life she is experiencing traumatizing life events. One of those events is a very close encounter with a plane that flew over the elementary playground very low and “It flew into the trees, exploding directly in front of us” (12). Early on it seems much easier to see how she developed the mental illness, manic-depressive (bipolar) illness. Also, her father showed signs of a bipolar illness and maybe it could be heredity. Another traumatizing event was when Kay and her family moved to California and the complete shock from the change in background. This switch also leads to Kay drinking before she attends classes for high school. Just at the age of 16, Kay is beginning to see just how much her mood swings are affecting her friends and how the bipolar illness is changing her life.
People need to stand up and show courage when they are being bullied. The theme of Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry By Mildred Taylor is when Stacey shows courage in many different ways by helping T.J. by staying behind in the bushes when T.J. took the pearl handled pistol and R.W. and Melvin snitched on him. Another act of courage Stacey showed is when he had to hold Jack back, which is when the Wallace's tried to shoot Papa, and the gunfire startled Jack and Stacey couldn’t hold him back anymore, then Stacey ended up blaming himself. Stacey’s actions showed that he was the type of person that loved his family and always wanted to help others. Are you willing to stay behind risking your life for someone else?
The King James Bible continues to prove to be a great translated work. William Tyndale works will forever be tied with the success of the King James Bible of 1611. Tyndale was very passionate about having a bible for all people. He once said, “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the scriptures than you do.
I apologize for not seeing this before I called you back on Monday morning! Since school still hadn't begun, my mother and I were just checking the WebMails at night, but I have not been home the past night and day. Also, I believe I sent a blank message, and I apologize for that as well; I am still getting used to Connexus.
The poem “Between the World and Me” by Richard Wright reanimates the horrible scene of a racial lynching and forces the reader to endure the victim's pain through the first person’s narrative voice. The poem contains structured lines and visual division into three stanzas. Moreover, there is one more type of division in the poem. The author uses an ellipsis four times throughout the poem. This punctuation mark frames the poem into the timeline, where the historical past of the African American poet becomes the present experience of any human, despite the race. The climax of the poem is presented in the middle of stanza two. The animated moment, which starts from the sentence “the ground gripped my feet”, dramatically shifts the
Over the course of first semester in college I have learned how to read, write, and learn again. That sentence may be hard to understand, since when getting to college you are already supposed to know how, but it is true. Starting off with I Stand Here Writing by Nancy Sommers, I have learned how to enhance my writing by using personal sources to combine personal and academic writing. With the help of The Mind at Work by Mike Rose I got an example of how the teachings of Sommers can be applied in writing. We ended the semester off with learning how to read again. In James Gee book Semiotic Domains: Is Playing Video Games a “Waste of Time”? I got another look at how to view literacy, which I was not aware that there was another way to look at. Literacy should not be the ability to read and write but thought of as a semiotic domain. All that is saying is that from what is written, categorizing the text to certain domain and producing and adding meaning adds depth to what is written while we also get a better understanding as well. Overall I have a gained an alternative perspective on learning and when experiencing new things, changing your mindset will lead you to success in that domain.