
My Life Experience

Decent Essays

Ines Fuentes

For many, there is nothing more important than to have the acceptance and unconditional love from your mother, sadly this was not my experience. I remember the day that changed my life forever as if it were yesterday. I was 18 years old and I did not feel well. I smoked a cigarette to calm my frantic nerves before I walked into the clinic. I sat in the old and dreary waiting room and awaited my fate. The nurse called my name and I stood up as if I just won an award. As instructed, I took a urine test and sat with disbelief as I waited for the results that would determine my future. The Dr. entered the cold and sterile room and looked at me with disappointment as he questioned my sexual activity. “Ms. Fuentes, are you sexually active? “ “Yes, I am”. “Do you only have one partner? “Yes, I do. “Have you missed your period “? Yes
My heart sank I felt like I was going to be sick and that’s when he told me your pregnancy test is positive. I said no take it again its wrong I can’t be! After 5 pregnancy tests I looked at the nurse and was about to tell her to do it again and she looked at me and said “Sweetheart you are pregnant”.
My mother and father divorced when I was 5 at that age or any age after that. I never understood why? Until now as an adult the why is clear, my mother was a mother only because she gave birth to me, but not because she was loving or unconditional. I was terrified of her when I was small the only memories. I have of her are me crying for

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