
My Life Goals

Decent Essays

Mahatma Gandhi once said “The future depends on what you do today.” Which can be interpreted as, whatever happens to you now will affect you later. This is why I am setting goals now for my future. The goals that I set now, which are to spend more time with my family, avoid stress, and break the all-time scoring average in golf, are intended to improve my life in the future. In order to improve my life in the future, I want to spend more time with my family. Spending more time with my family now will help give them good memories to remember me by, when I eventually move out of our house. Having a happy family makes me feel happy, so if I can make them happy now, they may remember the “Good Ol’ Days” later and become happy. I remember when I was a child playing baseball with my family watching. It seemed like every game, no matter what, they always had a happy look on their face, which made me happy. To this day my Dad still talks about when me and my brothers played baseball, and every time he remembers us he becomes full of joy. In order to achieve this goal I need to put down the devices, have family nights, like play board games or go out to eat, and take family vacations at least once a year. Putting my phone away gives me more time to spend with my family, instead of going on Snapchat or Twitter. Playing board games brings the whole family together, which promotes conversations. Taking family vacations can relieve the stress of home and work to make the family become

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