
My Life In The Hospital Sagrado Corazon De Jesus

Decent Essays

On 6 A.M. of January 5th of the year 2000 in the Hospital “Sagrado Corazon De Jesus”, located in Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico; Luz Maria Sevilla Lopez gave birth to the one and only, Jorge Luis Castelan Sevilla. I was born on the second floor of this hospital in Arandas, Jalisco. I was supposed to be born on New Year's day, so my mom, Luz Maria, was in the hospital for 5 days. My dad, David Castelan Santos, did not want to have to drive to Arandas where I was born because it is approximately 40 minutes away from our home in Jesus Maria, Jalisco a neighboring town of Arandas.
I was also the first born son of Luz Maria and David. I was almost born a year after my parent’s anniversary which is January 21, 1999. My life started out pretty calm. After I was born my family and I lived in our house that was located in “El Ranero”, a ranch in Jesus Maria, Jalisco, Mexico. Our house was a decent sized house with three bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and basically everything else that a home has. The house was built on a …show more content…

I went Pre-pre-kindergarten and my teacher was a very nice lady by the name of Martha Torres. My dad still said that my family and I would be better of living in the U.S., so after a short stint in Mexico we moved to Lampasas, Texas. I didn’t go to school there. I remember Lampasas very well. I remember that we lived in a duplex that had three rooms. The duplex had tile flooring everywhere except the bedrooms, which had a fluffy beige carpet. We didn’t live in Lampasas for very long. We then moved to Amarillo, Texas. We also didn’t live there for very long. I liked the house we lived in Amarillo a lot. I remember it was a smaller home than the one in Lampasas, this one only had two bedrooms. I think that we lived there for less than a year. We then moved to Killeen, Texas where we situated for some time. In Killeen we lived in an apartment on the bottom

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