
My Life Is Not Well Known By Many

Decent Essays

Her name was not well-known by many. She was quiet, soft-spoken most times. She feared perfection in the past. She wanted to prove to everyone, including her father that she could achieve their expectations. She constantly reminds herself that nobody is perfect. Even if she did know that, she could still feel everyone analyzing her; analyzing how imperfect she was. She only allowed certain people into her life out of fear of those people leaving once they saw her true identity. She did not allow most people to be welcomed into her life, so it would not cause as much heartbreak if they decided to leave her behind. Her life was not as horrible as it could have been. Other people had worse problems than she would ever have. All she …show more content…

I used to sit around until five o 'clock waiting to hear his silver truck pull up outside. He would either clean up around the house, or come straight in the house walking straight into his room. When he comes in now we say a small "Hey," before going back to what we were doing earlier. It’s as if I don 't understand him anymore, and he doesn’t understand me at all. He used to not be this short-tempered. He hides his temper around most people. When I was younger, we succeeded in getting along fine. We had decent conversations where we didn 't disagree all the time. Now, I am fifteen and it seems we have more disagreements than agreements. By being fifteen, means I am old enough for my driving permit. While having this permit means I drive with my dad numerous times. Consequently, when I do something minor wrong my dad stays quiet, but when I do something a little worse than minor he 'll receive a defensive side, and he will snap at me. He expects me to know every wrong there is, but how am I supposed to know if he 's not telling me what is wrong. "You need to know what is right from wrong," he 'd snap. "How am I supposed to know if you don 't explain what I did?" I would question. "I didn 't have anyone to teach me how to drive," he would snap back. I would drop the matter, knowing I wouldn 't win. I had gotten better with my driving. I was getting too comfortable with the fact of driving. I was less paranoid and

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