
My Life Of Faith : My Faith Through Life

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One of the most important things that has carried me through life is my faith. One of the most important events that has had a strong bearing on my life is the life and death of Jesus. I'll admit, I'm not the most knowledge or the most well versed. But I carry within me a strong faith. When I was five, my mom introduced to God. She first took me to a nearby church where I remember making some sort of macaroni display with a paper plate. After that we continued our studies with some Jehovah Witness that came by our home. I remember reading My book of Bible Stories and being entranced. Jesus was my hero and I wanted to be like him. There wasn't a lot I could do as a kid, realistically. And then we moved.
During my lifetime, making connections proved difficult as I moved constantly I was born in Sacramento and lived in the city until the middle of my fifth year of life. Then, beginning of 1984, my family, consisting of my mom, my stepdad and my sister, moved to corona, ca. We stayed there until middle of 1985. At that point, we moved to Rowland Heights first we lived in a house and then an apartment. When we moved into the apartment mom and stepdad separated. So in 1989, my mom, my sister, and I moved to Buena Park, ca. When I entered high school in 1992, we moved to Garden Grove, moving in with my moms boyfriend. In 1993, when we moved, my moms boysfried went with us to a house in Santa Ana. We stayed in the house until the middle of 1995 and then my mom, my sister and

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