
My Life With My High School Essay

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Honestly I love college rather than my high school. My high school can rot in hell for all I care. They always left us loads of homework, six packets plus reading a day, for six classes. As if we did not have a life, and we went home to be couch potatoes. Some of us had a job, others like myself were in a sport or club, so when we got home either it was 10 PM or 11 PM. Monday through Friday we call them all nighters because we wouldn 't go to sleep until 3 AM just to get done with half of the homework. Many times it was 24 hours of no sleep. The longest I have stayed because I had to, has been 72 hours and lord, I do not know how my parents handled me. The times I had to stay up 72 hours, it was like I had been possessed by the devil. I became bipolar to whatever people told me, either I would get angry, yell, cry. I guess I had to be put through all this suffering since I only had class 4 days and 1 day of work study. Now as for college, I do not feel so stressed out because I have enough time to do my homework and even put effort to my homework. I can actually take serious my education instead of focusing in my GPA. Here I am given little homework to do that I can understand and finish in like twenty-five minutes or less. The type of homework we got was mostly reading, except math. I had biology, AP British Literature, AP Spanish, Civics/ Art/ Gym, ethics, and math, but like mentioned before, my math did not consist of reading rather than the instructions. Our Biology

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