
My Love For Running

Decent Essays

Passion; an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. The latin origin of the word ‘pati’, meaning to suffer. For me running is my passion in every sense of the word. However this was not always so. The thought of it almost created a sense fear or anxiety in me; I did not enjoy it whatsoever. I definitely wasn’t good at it either. In middle school the most dreaded day of PE was always the day we had to run the mile. Every student plotting a way to get out of it. In sixth grade I finished second to last with a time of fifteen minutes. Embarrassed and angry I kept to myself. Everyone was comparing times with their friends but I would’ve rather died than tell anyone my time. I learned something thing from this extremely embarrassing fail; sometimes in life you need to just laugh at yourself, move on, and better yourself. And that's …show more content…

At first I ran only because I thought it would make me look better. I thought of it almost as a punishment. But it quickly became what I turned to to escape the world. Getting lost in my own thoughts and chasing that runner’s high. I feel bad for anyone who has never felt a true runners high; nothing compares. That strong feeling of accomplishing something difficult and the endorphins flowing through your body is incredibly empowering, and it is everything I crave. Inhaling and exhaling the crisp fresh air. Seething down the streets and around the corners. Each foot hitting the ground in perfect rhythm. Sometimes the 40 minutes spent running are the only minutes I feel calm. It the only time I can think clearly. It makes feel free and alive. However other times, it hurts like nothing else and you feel like any second your body is going to give out. Other days misery fills your body each time your foot strikes the pavement and it takes everything within you to take one more step. But, no matter how painful it is or isn’t, the feeling when your done makes it completely worth

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