
My Memories Of My Childhood

Decent Essays

My earliest memory of my childhood has to be the first major fight my parents had that has been seared into the memories of my childhood. We all hate to see our parents fight and usually when I would witness my parents fight I would block it out because “mommy and daddy will always love each other no matter what.” They would tell me that over and over again no matter how bad their fights got. I yearn so badly to tell my younger self not to hang on to that idea of love because that idea in the end wasn’t really love at all.
That night of their horrible fight we had decided to go to the SuperTarget out in Moreno Valley. My brother and I loved it there. There was everything you could possibly need. It was bright and shiny and new and it made us feel happy because there everything could be seen and there was no place for secrets to hide unlike in our little, dark two bedroom apartment. The bright white lights peered through all the crevices of this magnificent place. It shined directly on our little family and wouldn’t allow any of us to act up especially mom and dad.
When we got there my parents immediately went in opposite directions. My dad had stomped off and my mom took us to the grocery section. I felt nervous. This was supposed to be a safe place where I shouldn’t have to worry what everyone was thinking or feeling because we had shopping to get done. After dad came back from his stomp off they didn’t talk to each other. Not once did they speak to each other or even

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