
My Mom Research Paper

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My mother has always been notorious for assisting members of the community. Even though we had a limited amount of money she would lend a hand in any way she was able. My mother is one of the most selfless individuals I have had the pleasure of encountering. First, my grandmother informed me that before I was born, my mother taught herself to sew. As a child, my mother didn't like the thought of those less fortunate being without items as essential as clothing. By the time she was an adolescent, she was designing and creating garments for those who couldn't afford to purchase the items. My mother mass manufactured several different items that would keep an individual warm, then delivered them to the local church. Our whole family distributed the apparel along with a warm meal and nonperishable items for later. …show more content…

The leader of a Mommy and Me group that my mother was a part of introduced her to a woman named Linda. Linda was about to give birth to twins, the group leader knew that my mother had twins as well; therefore, thought my mother could help Linda. It turned out she could do more than just help Linda adjust to having twins. My mother's first husband was abusive, therefore when she discovered that Linda was involved in a similar situation she encouraged Linda to do what was best for herself and her children. Linda and her five children moved into my family's home to keep the children safe. My mother assisted Linda in escaping the situation, but shortly after Linda entered another toxic relationship. Linda's older daughter, Jamie began the proceedings to gain custody of her siblings under my mother's guidance. With my mothers influence and encouragement Jamie continues to affect the lives of her own community in both her personal and professional

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