
My Most Embarrassing Stage Of My Life

Decent Essays

Moving schools when you are going into your most embarrassing stage of your life is honestly one of the toughest things I have ever done in my life. Although it was tough at first, it taught me many valuable life lessons. I learned how to adapt and make friends on a whim. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t gone through these events. Imagine being at supper, forks and knives clinking on the plates. The occasional ‘how was school’ or ‘gunna be pretty icy out there tomorrow’ and then out of nowhere your mom says, “I found a new job in Menahga.” My mom is an occupational therapist and her company at the time was moving out and a new one was moving in. Pretty much the new company delivered a big “Screw You” to my mom. Thus is why she was on the outlook for a new job. At the time, we were living in Starbuck, MN. We had been there for years. I had a good, established, friend group that I definitely had no intentions of leaving. But when my mom said she had found a job in Menahga, I said, “That’s fine, I’ll just live here with Nana, Laken, and Sawyer.” She shut that down right away. She said I wasn’t mature enough. At the time I thought since I was turning thirteen soon, I was plenty old enough. Heck, my older brothers weren’t THAT MUCH older than me, but mom wouldn’t budge. I was headed to Menahga, two hours north of where I was. The thought in my head was that I was never going to see any of my friends again. I kept asking myself-how am I going to make friends?

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