
My Mother As A Special Education Teacher

Decent Essays

As a child my mother would make my brother and I recite affirmations and quotes to increase our mental health and childhood development. She lived her life as a special education teacher impacting children and changing lives. I have always admired my mother’s love for others and emulated her growing up. However, she always made sure I was true to myself and formed my own beliefs. To help shape my beliefs she made me select a poem that would define who I am and what I believe. This poem has become my life mantra:“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” I had no idea how relevant this would be as I started the process to my God given purpose.
Throughout my entire life, all I’ve wanted to do was help others. In intermediate school, I was a part of a buddy program which paired students with special needs children. I was paired with Adrianna, a young hispanic girl with autism. Everyday she would attend my english class and stare at the pages. I observed her for three weeks and noticed she could not read. For the rest of the year, I spent my time teaching her the alphabet and numbers.
Years Later, I was in the grocery store. I heard someone say my name through the aisles and turned around to see Adrianna. After we embraced, her mother stated that she would be graduating from high school and has a job. In that moment, I

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