
My Name Lauren Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Decision Lauren, Lauren, bo-bauren. Banana-fana fo-fauren, Fee-fi-moo-mauren. Lauren! Names are more than something students learn at the beginning of a school year. A person’s name allows one to make prejudices about someone. My name Lauren fits me well. The history of the name Lauren, the meaning, and the personality associated with Lauren all concur with who I am. A person’s name defines who they are, as Lauren defines whom I am.
The name Lauren is derived from the word laurel2. Laurel is a common reoccurance throughout history; the most famous example is Greece. Greece became connected to laurel when the daughter of a river God, Daphne, transformed into it. The God Apollo fell in love with Daphne, but she constantly rejected potential …show more content…

Lauren’s tend to be very visual, kinesthetic, and musical1. I am very visual. Two summers ago, my friend from California was visiting Michigan State University. I went to visit him with two of my other michigander friends. Then was my first time at Michigan State’s campus. My group walked around campus for a while, when someone mentioned they wanted to go to Insomnia Cookies. My group had passed it earlier in the trip, but thought nothing of it. No one knew how to get back there except me. I am also kinesthetic. I am a part of them STEM academy. There are no power point lectures in STEM curriculum, I gain my information from hands on activities. Last year I learned and mastered multiple different languages of code through trial and error. I am also extremely musical. All through middle school I played clarinet in the band. Each quarter I ended with a 100% in the class. In eighth grade my teacher began doing chairs, which are a ranking system for each section of the band. My goal was to be first chair, however, I didn’t prepared for it. When my band teacher passed the tests back, I received a 100%. She went on to explain, to the whole class, that she rarely ever gave out perfect test scores, only the best of the best received

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