
My Open Home Analysis

Decent Essays

1. You are in a large dark room, only a small swinging ceiling light is above you. There is barely any light shining out and you hear noises in the dark. A growl here or a skittering over there, the ground is cold and made of concrete. You feel something touch your leg to see a centipede run across your foot only to see it grabbed by a hand from the dark and as you slowly back up you run into a wall and the light gets dimmer, but as you go back towards the light it goes back to normal lighting. Then the lights turn on and you find out i was all your imagination and you sit down shaking with fear.

2. You are at a campground with your family enjoying good times and laughs. Its in a forested area with a small grassy field next to it, with a dry dirt area for campers to set up tents and a fire and there is a lake across the field. You and your family enjoy good times telling stories around the fire, laughing, and enjoying food. The next morning you and family go to the nearby lake and spend the day swimming and enjoying the …show more content…

In a raffle at work you won a free spa day, so you decided to use your Saturday at the spa. When you arrive they take the coupon and take you to a private room where you wait for further instruction. Someone comes in and takes you to a steam room for you to relax in. After spending a shot amount of time in the steam room they take you to a table where they gently massage your back and your neck. After wards you gather your things and leave relaxed.

6. Its midnight on a Saturday in January 2017 and me and my family are sitting down for movie night together. We make popcorn and get all our drinks and snacks and sit down for a late night movie marathon. I am reclined with a cover and popcorn on the couch enjoying the show with my family and my cat. After our movies we each split off and do our own activity and sit down to read and finish my popcorn and soda. When 3:00 A.M. rolls around i get up and go to bed where i relax before falling

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