
My Perception Of The American Dream

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It’s hard to say at what age people start to daydream about life’s possibilities. It must start early being as a child, I’ve always envisioned my future life to be like the stereotypical American dream. I may have inherited that dream from my mother; she came to the United States from Mexico at only 15 years old. She came to pursue the same dream - - the opportunity to achieve wealth and success. Growing up in a traditional Hispanic household is something I will always cherish, but one characteristic of Hispanic culture is the mindset that women are meant to be housewives and mothers. This expectation worked with my perception of the American dream. I thought, perhaps I could be the mother that was always baking and cleaning. I wanted a two-story house with a white picket fence and an American Flag in the front yard, the ideal family of four, a golden retriever, and I could be the perfect housewife. I wanted the female version of the “American Dream”. As children, dreams are untainted by reality, but over time dreams change. I realized that life’s fulfillment needs so much more than just material objects. My childish American dream focused on material things: I never wished to be emotionally secure, but just to have things. My definition of “success” evolved. Now, my greatest aspiration in life is to be content; which to me means to be financially stable, to earn a master’s degree, and to have a career that allows me to give back to my community. The biggest difference

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