
My Personal Achievement : My Success And Achievement

Decent Essays

What am I about? I am about pushing through challenges, always ariving brighter at the end of the tunnel. My visions are focused, but I leave room for distractions in my day-to-day, intentionally or unintentionally. I am about people, and I am about doing the right thing. I am not a perfect person, but I do believe I am a decent one. What have I already achieved? If I am correct in my interpretation, achievement does not mean just positive accomplishments--it stands for accomplishments, period. Following this interpretation, I have accomplished both failure and success. My parents tell me they are proud of me. My teachers tell me I will go far in life, however, the boldest assessment of one's achievements are always their own. I know what I am capable of. From the outside it might not appear so, yet I know my weakness and thus shy away from praise. My practical positive accomplishments include, but are not limited to: graduating from highschool as an active leader on campus in class, NHS, and ASB (associate student body) positions, a 3.9 GPA, a two year overseas missionary, a trustworthy and dependable teacher's assistant, and a reputation that encompasses all of this in personality characteristics. I made varsity sports as a sophomore (though that is not as "big" of an accomplishment in academys). I have an excellent grip on what I want for my future. I know what I am capable of; therefore, I know when I do not rise above what is required of me. I majored in minimums in

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