
My Personal Experience : How I Learned In My Experience

Decent Essays

Perhaps the most important skill I learned in these two weeks is to be able to think strategically. It’s all about having a vision of where as a leader I wanted to be and working to achieve that vision. I feel strategy, in its simplest sense, is deciding where I wanted to be and how I’m going to get there, and then taking the action necessary to do so. Therefore, I gathered as much information as I possibly could about where I really am, and don’t hesitate to say no what was not acceptable to me. For example, when I went to volunteer this week at the site my mentor was not there, neither did I know that he was out of town as he never mentioned to me. The person responsible for volunteers almost wanted me to not be there, as she was not informed. Although, I know they are doing me a favor, but I thought they have an obligation as well. I have been given too much run around, and it’s the end of my practicum I need to complete my project to present it to Khalsa School once they return from summer holidays. Not only that I promised them a presentation as well once they settle in. Therefore, I have a heavy load of things on my plate. Besides, I traveled from Abbotsford, and was stuck in traffic I can’t afford to let my day go to waste. Therefore, I asked the volunteer to get a hold of my mentor in Winnipeg and let me in to volunteer and showed her the emails from Cameron that this was planned. Everything worked out to my satisfaction in the end, but I had to hold myself and

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