
My Personal Experience : My Experience Of A Mother

Decent Essays

My Personal Experience My mother died 4 years ago from an asthma attack not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. It was hard for me when I find out she had passed away in consideration of I was still young and still in Middle school, but I knew my whole life was about to change and losing a mother will change the way I see the world. I would describe my mother as a beautiful, well educated women. My mother’s carried me for nine months, gave birth to me, she was the first person I seen when I opened my eyes, fed me when I was hungry, didn’t get no sleep for months when I woke up in the middle of the night crying, change my diaper, watched me smile every time I seen her face, she saw me when I first started to crawl, when I took my first step, said my first word. She was always there when I needed her especially when I was sick . When I was upset she was always there to make me laugh. When I needed advice she was the only one I could talk to rather than my father . She was a strong, loving, and caring mother who I always knew that was on my side, she would do anything for me and my brother and give us the perfect upbringing that made us the women and men we are today. She was the most beautiful women I ever knew moreover, she always was a big part of my life and now that she is gone I can’t talk to nobody else about how my day been. When my brother called and told me that my mother was in the hospital the first word I said to him were “This can’t be happening”.

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